Monocle Weddings
About: Monocle Weddings is a small photography company focused on customer service and traditional photography etiquette. Founded in Sheffield England before Trevor moved to North America, Monocle spans two continents in influence.
Skills: Logo Design,Branding, Layout, Typography, Motion Graphics, Print
Task: I was tasked with encouraging more clients to Monocle’s services. I started leveraging social media, creating a modern look that fits the company's personality. This rebrand gave sophistication to fit Trevor’s 30 years of experience while still leaning into English culture.
Supporting Elements
Before & After
Business Cards - Primary & Secondary Shooters
With a new brand, the website needed to be updated. I used Trevor’s existing base to create a new page that would be easy to keep up to date with the new look.
Skills: Layout, Typography, Motion Graphics, Brand, Logo Design
Mockup Used: (Computer Above) Juciy_Fish on Freepik
Social Posts
Mockup Used: (Phones Above) svstudioart on Freepik